Shipping and Returns

How long does my order take to ship?

I ship within 1-3 business days. Items are shipped USPS First Class or USPS Priority, depending on size of item. Buyers are responsible for any additional customs and import taxes that may apply. If a package appears to be lost in the mail, please contact me and I will work with you to solve!

Do you offer international shipping? 

I am currently shipping to the US and Canada.

What is your return policy? 

If you are not happy with your purchase, you are able to send it back within 7 days of receiving. I will refund the cost of the item (when received) but no shipping costs.

Please contact me via email (trish@trishstitched) before returning. If returning, items must be in same condition as when was originally shipped (no stains, damages, etc) and photos will need to be provided before sending item back.