Shop is Almost Ready!

I'm tired of hoarding my bags...I'm ready to sell! If all goes well, tomorrow my etsy shop will officially be up! I've been wanting to start an etsy site for the past three years. With college classes and summer jobs, I haven't had the time to sit down and figure etsy out. It isn't difficult, I just thought the process would be rougher than it was. This is a really exciting moment for me, even though it doesn't seem like much.

I've been asking myself a million questions like, there are so many sellers on etsy, how is anyone ever going to find me? What if, by some crazy chance, I sell out of all my bags and have no product left? Are my descriptions ok? my prices? my photos? I guess my questions will be answered soon enough.

I have big goals for myself, and is the first step to getting on my feet. The first step to tell myself, "it's ok to put yourself out there."  Confidence, Trish. Have Confidence.






Adventures in Guatemala