High-Low Spring Dress

I mentioned two weeks ago that I was invited to a wedding for my boyfriend's cousin, which was this past weekend. Usually I plan to make outfits and just don't have the time to finish (really I procrastinate too much and rush things at the very end and pieces wind up not fitting). But I made it a point to start early and actually finished with time to spare!

You can see my original sketch here.


Photo 4-003

finished dress!


Photo 1-004Photo 3-003
In progress: I added boning and interfacing to the bodice just to give it more structure.


Photo 5-002
Before I cut the skirt out:  I loved the look of the maxi and might make one with the extra fabric.


Photo 2-002
Dress before hemming and before halter was added. You can kind of see the exposed zipper in back.

My original sketch had the Georgette on top, but I didn't feel like trying to figure out how to do that, so I stayed with the sweetheart neckline until trying it on and realizing it would be more comfortable with a strap. Other than that, the dress stayed pretty true to the sketch.


Mini Pip


This is the first dress pattern I've made, the first time using these fabrics and the first zipper I put in that isn't crooked! The solids are peach skin and the floral is georgette (on sale right now for $3.99/yard), all from JoAnn's. I bought way more than necessary, just in case, and the total came out to $54.33 for the fabric.


And just for fun: 5 years ago, I was making my prom dress around this time (this was taken an hour before we were taking prom photos...still sewing).


This was my workspace last week:


Some thing's don't change much.


Refashions - Past Projects


The Patchwork Wristlet