Refashioned Jacket

I mentioned a while back that I was taking a refashioning class at FIT. The class was taught by Bridgett Artise, author of Born Again Vintage. She is super talented and such an inspiration. She sees refashioning in a different way and her pieces are just so freaking cool. I don't have the courage to wear her refashions so I had to take my own down a notch. Most of the students in the class took inspiration from her book to create VERY one of a kind pieces. My style is a little more wearable.

The first few projects I made were ok, but my third and final was by far my favorite. I've been seeing trenches with leather sleeves and have really wanted one but wasn't willing to spend the money on another coat. I knew this would be a cool project for class but didn't have the pieces until I raided my old clothes at my parents house.

My sister had a pleather jacket that she used to wear from Limited Too (just to give you an idea of how old that coat it) and I had an olive-ish trench that I just never wore. Fortunately my mind put the two together!

  jacket refashion-mini pip

This was a pretty easy refashion: seam rip sleeves from both jackets, and switch them! I did add a few extra steps like moving the button detail on the trench sleeves to the pleather sleeves. This was going to be the only thing I did until I realized I had so much of the pleather coat left over!

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Jacket with new sleeves.

So after this, I detached the pleather collar to insert under the olive jacket collar. It needed just a little more detail and this was it. So here it is, my new refashioned jacket!

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jacket refashion-mini pip

jacket refashion-mini pip

jacket refashion-mini pip

jacket refashion-mini pip

jacket refashion-mini pip

jacket refashion-mini pip

jacket refashion-mini pip

I'm so happy with how this turned out and it has really given me motivation to work on more refashions.

  jacket refashion-mini pip



Houndstooth Refashion: Dress to Peplum Top


Despicable Me Felt Unicorn