The Felt Couple

Let me paint the picture. It was July. Drew was in Canada for his new job training for a month. I had just submitted the iPad pillow I made Drew to craftgawker. I was so excited from the response that I asked Drew the next thing he wanted me to make him. His response: a mini-me. Can you see where this is going? Because I have been planning this project in my head for months as a christmas gift for the guy who has everything. The problem I was facing was just making a girl doll for him. It sounds weird. So I had to make a mini-Drew as well! Here is the mini-couple.

the felt couple- mini pip

I used this pattern from Gingermelon. I totally customized it for what I wanted to make. Drew is substantially taller than me (1' 2" to be exact) so I enlarged the pattern to make him. I changed the hair styles and the clothing but the basic pattern was such a help when making the bodies.

the felt couple- mini pip

Drew's doll was going to wear a very specific outfit so I had to make mine around his.

the felt couple- mini pip

The second part of Drew's gift is a life size version of his little sweater. I was originally going to make it to give it to him on christmas but I received the fabric late, then didn't have the time to finish these guys and work on the cardigan. I realized this was for the best since now, I can make sure the fit is perfect by actually trying it on him while making it. He will also get to decide some details about the cardi so it's an all around better gift.

the felt couple- mini pip

I'm so happy these mini-me's are finished. It was hard to work on these because I'm living with the recipient so it had to be a secret project!

the felt couple- mini pip 

the felt couple- mini pip

and since you are probably curious to see if they actually look like us...

the felt couple- mini pip

...well, they ARE made out of felt haha



The Parisian Jacket


Houndstooth Refashion: Dress to Peplum Top