Just Add Elastic! Dress to Skirt Refashion

I haven't done a refashioned piece in awhile. I love refashioning because the basic garment is already there. Sometimes all a piece needs is a new hem or sucked in sides. This dress needed a little more work than that.


My mom bought this dress from Macy's. Its American Rag, which happens to be my favorite brand. It did nothing for my mom so she passed it onto me. I was going to shorten the hem and take up the straps and keep the same dress but after pinning it, the dress did nothing for me either! It only took about 5 minutes (to take pictures) before I grabbed a pair of scissors and chopped the top off!

Photo 2-005

I cut the top straight off, leaving as much fabric as I could without cutting into the armholes. I measured 2" down and folded the raw edge over, leaving an opening for elastic.

Photo 3-005

With elastic in and the seam sewn shut, I made this little dress into a skirt! I even kept the old hem!

Photo 4-002

Photo 5

I do wish I had thicker elastic on hand. I would have loved a super thick piece but I took whatever was in my stash. I'm wearing the skirt to work tomorrow so we shall see how it wears!



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