My Grandma's Dress- A Refashion

Today would have been my Grandma's 86th birthday. It's the first year she isn't with us and I wanted to do something for the occasion. In the last few years of her life, she lost a lot of weight, making her smaller than me! She wasn't able to fit into her old clothes and always wanted me to take them. When I got into sewing I would look through her clothes and want to take some to work on but never had the confidence to complete the project.

I saw this dress in my box of her clothing last night and knew I could finally do something with it. It actually came with a matching jacket- I'm saving that for later.


The Before

I knew I had to take the sides in. It was ultimately a six inch alteration. The length was actually perfect and I had a tough time with whether to leave it as a maxi or shorten it to a cute sundress. A high low option was a good compromise.

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The After!



My grandma had a pretty awesome wardrobe and I love that she let me bring new life into some of the pieces she chose to wear.



Apparel sewing



Knit Circle Top


Bombshell Swim Skirt!