Updating Things! Etsy Update

Whew! Its been a crazy few weeks but the transition is going well. I finally got Bloglovin' followers moved over, and all my posts are now on the new blog but I'm having issues transferring photo links to the new site. It just takes FOREVER and there are so many other things I'd rather do. I just need to suck it up and get it done... eventually.

Anyway! I wanted to re-share my etsy shop. I've been sewing my butt off to bring spring in! I've been playing around with my photography, like I shared in a previous post, and feel like I'm finally getting somewhere with my "look".

My new favorite product is the vinyl tote. It's a great mix of upholstery fabric and vinyl, so the tote itself is super sturdy and depending on the fabrics used, it can be all kinds of colorful! I'm working on finding a proper vinyl supplier but in the meantime I've just been using what's in my stash.

trishstitched on etsy

I have more recycled coin purses in the shop after a delivery of kiss clasps.

trishstitched on etsy

trishstitched etsy

There are some new wristlets as well!

trishstitched on etsy

trishstitched on etsy

If you have a sec, go follow my shop! And if you have a shop of your own, leave your shop name in the comments!


Band of Florals Tee #selfishsewingweek


Waffle Patterns "Caramel Coat" Winter Version