My First Craft Show - Denville Rotary Festival

I would call my first craft show as a success! I was incredibly nervous about how the day would go and didn't go in with any expectations. I was sandwiched between Cutco Knives and Avon- two completely known and popular brands so I was really the newbie on the block.

My First Craft Show- Trsh Stitched

The show was from 11-6, set up starting at 8. I got to my spot at about 9 am (after massive amounts of traffic) and was set up with about an hour to spare. My dad came with us to help set up the tent and tables, and thankfully my mom spent the whole day at the show with me. It started off slightly slow, but little by little the crowd trickled in. I had a few people stop in my booth, but not much purchasing, making me feel really discouraged early on (especially when one woman freaked out over the price of my totes-- I personally think $45 for a handmade tote is not bad considering the materials and time that went into the piece but I'm biased).

My First Craft Show- Trsh Stitched

The second and third hour saw more sales so I was happier, but what really encouraged me was the comments that people made. Every single person who stopped in my booth commented on how beautiful and well done my bags looked. These comments kind of caught me off guard. Of course I thought my bags looked great but this was the first time the "public" was actually getting to look at them and comment. They didn't have to say a word, but they did. And that made me happier than any sale.

My First Craft Show- Trsh Stitched

My First Craft Show- Trsh Stitched

Most people were surprised that I made everything, and that I was, in fact, older than 12. Since my mom was in the booth with me, it threw people off that I was the artist.

My First Craft Show- Trsh Stitched

My First Craft Show- Trsh Stitched

My First Craft Show- Trsh Stitched

When people would stop to look at my recycled clutches, I would say they were made from fabric swatch books. This intrigued two women- who had PILES of fabric books that they didn't know what to do with. They both offered to pass the fabric along to me! One woman was an interior designer and actually came back to my booth with a bag of fabric that was in her car! The connections I made on Sunday were just incredible.

My First Craft Show- Trsh Stitched

My First Craft Show- Trsh Stitched

This show really excited me for future craft shows. I wanted to do a show before the winter markets start up so I have some experience under my belt. I learned a lot, and am so happy with the results of the day. I'm not signed up for any more events just yet but am looking forward to more.

A few more bags are being put in my shop over the next couple weeks now that the show is over. Go on over to etsy for a look!


Stripes & Florals Boat Top


Floral Shorts