Where I've Been.

Oh hello there little blog, I seem to have been neglecting you lately. I swear there is a good reason, but let's just say: I'm tired.

I was recently hired back at my old job with Anthropologie for Holiday Help. It was only two weeks of work, so nothing crazy but it was weird going back. It's also Turkey Season at the farm. We don't raise turkeys but we take orders for Thanksgiving. A lot of people don't understand that we are just a small farm and it is basically my mom, dad and I working. So my stress level has been pretty high.

I did my first Holiday Craft Show a few weekends ago as well! It was in South Jersey, and while I'm glad I did it, I will not be attending that show again. I'm starting to learn my audience, and the venues I need to be looking for. The show was very "home party" (think Sentsy, Avon, etc) and not many people with their own handmade items. I need to start looking into Juried shows, in more notable areas. But I'm happy I went, I learned more about my booth set up and made some good connections and I'm excited to do more shows.



In other sewing news: I thought I found the perfect pattern to sew through Burda Style but didn't realize that the instructions do not include photos. I'm a very visual learner, so the whole process of putting this thing together has not been fun. The collar is a mess but I'm stuck with how to fix it. I just can't look at it anymore but hate that so much time has already gone into it. I'm going to leave it for a while and hope that a little time away will help my brain figure out fixing it. (Don't mind the black, I ran out of plaid fabric for the facing and had to improvise)



So that's what I've been working on. Not much to share right now but hopefully I'll have some awesome projects up here soon!


Hellooo Holidays! Etsy Sale!


Oh the Places You'll Go, Map Dress