Lou Box Top & Baseball Skirt

I added a few new pieces to my wardrobe during Me Made May, more specifically, I added two new patterns. I mentioned the Lou Box Top and the Baseball Skirt a few posts ago but didn't go into too much detail about each and wanted to wait until I made a few versions to share my thoughts.

Let me start off my saying, these patterns are amazing. They are so easy and quick to make and have so much room for variations. So far I've made two Lou Box Tops and two Baseball Skirts. All out of fabrics that have been in my stash- YAY for stash busting!

Lou Box Top and Baseball Skirt- Trish Stitched

The first versions I made was the printed top and grey knit skirt that I wore during Me Made May. I wanted to sew a straight Lou Box Top to learn about the fit so I made the basic version from knit I got from Girl Charlee a few years ago. It fits great and the length is exactly where I like my tops to fall so I was happy I didn't have to alter the pattern at all.

Me Made May Week 4 to Finish & Thoughts

I knew right off the bat that I wanted to shorten the skirt and even out the hem. I shortened the pattern around 2" but think it's a little too short. I love the feel of this fabric and the look of it in a skirt but I think I'm going to keep this as a bathing suit cover up- or just wear it in my sewing studio, which is what I've been doing.

The second version of the Lou Box Top I really wanted to use the leftover fabric from my Fall Vest but didn't have quite enough for the entire top. I pulled some white cotton out of my stash and did a little creative color blocking to make it work. I LOVE this top. I love the fabric & color and the fit is great. Since it wasn't made out of knit I did add the button close in the back to make it possible to take on and off. The little rose button is one of my favorites and I only have one so I love that I was able to use it in an apparel project.

Lou Box Top and Baseball Skirt- Trish StitchedLou Box Top and Baseball Skirt- Trish StitchedLou Box Top and Baseball Skirt- Trish StitchedLou Box Top and Baseball Skirt- Trish Stitched

Version #2 of the Baseball Skirt is so perfect. I decided to make the pattern as is, and not alter the length to see how it would look. I figured I would hem it more after I was finished but after wearing it- there is no need! The fabric is left over from my Cranberry Anorak- and just like with the Anorak, I wanted a cargo looking piece, without making it in the typical cargo green that has become very popular.

Lou Box Top and Baseball Skirt- Trish StitchedLou Box Top and Baseball Skirt- Trish StitchedLou Box Top and Baseball Skirt- Trish Stitched

This skirt is so good. It's amazingly comfortable, the fit is awesome and the length was such a pleasant surprise. I was nervous the length would make me feel dowdy but it feels like a grown up mini skirt. I love that I can dress it up or make it casual and not have to think if my butt is hanging out.

Lou Box Top and Baseball Skirt- Trish Stitched

Next I want to make a longer version of the grey skirt since I still have grey fabric in my stash. I also want to look for some striped knits for more Box Tops.

And how cute is this pin I got on etsy?! If you follow makers on Instagram, chances are you follow Arrow Mountain who makes handmade wooden buttons. She started a new collection of maker pins, including a sewing machine, serger, pattern drafting and knitting needles. So freaking cool- I had to get one!

Lou Box Top and Baseball Skirt- Trish Stitched 


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