#Refashioners2017 Suits You: Suit to Coat Refashion

Happy Halloween! Life has been so crazy the past few weeks and I fell like I've fallen behind on everything! But I finished my suit refashion just in time for today's deadline!

If you aren't familiar with the challenge, Refashioners is a online challenge to refashion and win a prize! Last year the theme was jeans - and I made one of my favorite refashions- my denim bomber jacket. This year's theme was "suits you", taking an old suit and transforming it into something new.

I love seeing everyone's creations, and while I'm pretty sure I will never win a refashioning challenge, it is so much fun to participate!

This year I had a plan even before the official rules came out. I felt so on top of my game, life was good. I bought two women's suits, one pink skirt suit and a blue dress suit, and wanted to make coveralls. With the hopeful impending move, I had dreams of painting rooms and doing a ton of work to a house and thought a pair of coveralls would be the perfect wardrobe addition.

#Refashioners2017 Suits You: Suit to Coat Refashion - Trish Stitched

Well, here we are at the end of October and still no house. We lost another dream home last week, so house hunting has been a really tough journey, not just time consuming, but so emotionally stressful. Because of everything that has been going on, I didn't get to my refashion, and last week I knew I was cutting it close. I had no desire to make coveralls, and needed a new idea- stat.

Pinterest to the rescue! I found this great coat on pinterest and my mind was made up. I had to have something similar and I could transform my suit into this coat!

This refashion was actually very simple, but took way longer than expected. I cut the suit jacket in half, and attached the bottom half of the skirt to the jacket. This way I was able to keep the original hem.

For the hood, I was able to use more of the skirt, and used the original skirt lining for the hood facing. I used the hood pattern from the Kelly Anorak. To attach, I just removed the jacket collar and sewed the hood into the opening.

#Refashioners2017 Suits You: Suit to Coat Refashion - Trish Stitched#Refashioners2017 Suits You: Suit to Coat Refashion - Trish Stitched#Refashioners2017 Suits You: Suit to Coat Refashion - Trish Stitched

I ironed out the suit lapels and turned them in. I originally wanted to add a zipper, but the ones I had were closed ended - which I discovered after sewing two different zippers in. So no closures here! But I like the open feel anyway.

I removed the sleeves to resize and change the cuff. I cut off about 2.5" from the sleeve and made a new cuff with elastic. The sleeves are full length but I love them rolled up! The last step was to add slouchy pockets to the front. I used this awesome diagram from Madalynne, and took the fabric from the original jacket bottom.

#Refashioners2017 Suits You: Suit to Coat Refashion - Trish StitchedDSC_0345#Refashioners2017 Suits You: Suit to Coat Refashion - Trish Stitched

There's nothing left but some scraps, buttons, skirt zipper and two massive shoulder pads that were removed almost immediately. I was hoping to add more detail and hardware like the original, but I ran out of time and supplies and really enjoy the cleaner finished look.

#Refashioners2017 Suit Me: Suit to Coat Refashion - Trish Stitched

Overall, I love my new piece. And I really love having a new piece that's wearable. And, if you don't follow me on Instagram (@trishstitched) you may notice my hair is a little different...11" chopped off!


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