Kalle Shirt & Fashion Revolution

Fashion Revolution week is just a few days away, and while my mind is on the cause all year round, it's coming up on the time to inform and inspire - and I have big plans for doing just that next week!

Not sure what Fashion Revolution week is?


"On 24 April 2013, the Rana Plaza building in

Bangladesh collapsed.Β 1,138 people died and

another 2,500 were injured, making it the fourth

largest industrial disaster in history.

That’s when Fashion Revolution was born.

There were five garment factories in Rana Plaza all manufacturing clothing for big global brands. The victims were mostly young women.

WHAT NEEDS TO CHANGE: The Model, Material, and Mindset"


Fashion Revolution is about asking retailers who made the clothes they sell. Are they working in safe conditions and getting paid fairly? Are retailers following environmentally safe practices to ensure a healthy world? Clothing doesn't just magically land on a shelf for you to buy. There are a lot of steps and people garments go through to end up in your closet.

For the past few years, I've been an advocate for Fashion Revolution because, as a maker, I know firsthand just how much time and energy can go into making a garment. It's been an important mission for me because I believe every single person that works in the fashion industry deserves a voice. From the farmers to the makers- working environments should be safe and wages should be fair.


For me personally, I've made it a mission to buy as little as possible from retail stores. I still buy basic necessities like underwear and socks, but almost everything else is made or bought second hand. (I also buy shoes, because that's a whole 'nother beast to tackle!)

But two weeks ago I had a breakdown. I was going to a concert for Drew's co-worker and had nothing to wear. My go-to spring jacket wasn't fitting comfortably (damn you, winter body!) and I was feeling really crappy about myself. So I ran to Target, and bought a jacket.

It's actually a really cute jacket, and in a color I've been dying to make, but haven't had the time. And I've worn it several times since purchasing. Is it the best quality and fit? No. Did I know that going into purchasing? Hell yea. But I know that I'm going to wear it constantly and I'm happy my sewing list hasn't added a new item. What's even better is, once this jacket has had it's day in my wardrobe, I will be happy to refashion it!

Fashion Revolution isn't about denying your shopping addiction. It's about making smarter choices and getting major retailers to make changes. It's about calling out a retailer and asking them to be more transparent. The more people who ask, the less they can deny an answer.

Kalle Shirt - Trish Stitched

Target, my new jacket goes great with my 'me made' Kalle Shirt! I know who made my top, but who made my jacket?

DSC_0060-014Kalle Shirt - Trish Stitched

I've done a little research about Target's brands, and the company is filled with good and bad. I'm no expert, and I haven't yet taken the time to fully research, but from the basics, they want to be ethical but still need to work on their transparency with each individual brand they carry. I will certainly need to do more research, and encourage you to give a little shoutout to a store you love and ask what their practices are!


A few more details about my Kalle Shirt. I made View B with a popover placket and band collar. The fabric was from my trip to California - I scored it at Michael Levine's Discount Loft! I have no idea what it is but it was a pain to work with. It was slippery and did not liked to be marked with any kind of pen/pencil. It also didn't care to be interfaced and I had to re-do the hem three times.

Kalle Shirt - Trish StitchedKalle Shirt - Trish StitchedKalle Shirt - Trish Stitched

This is not my best make, but it's still pretty good. There are a few things I would change, but I worked SO. HARD. to get the prints to line up nicely, that I'm pretty proud of the result. Since the fabric was slippery, I had a difficult time with the collar band, and the topstitching is a little wonky, but it's one of those things only I would notice.

This Kalle had a test run yesterday, and it's super comfy and I really like that it covers my behind. I'm not a leggings person, so I don't really like tunics, but this is the perfect balance between long and loooong.

I cropped my Kalle a few inches (to be honest I can't remember how many) and took the back hem up to better match the front. Short bodies and long hems don't mix all that well. I've been having crazy itches to make more tops, especially with Me Made May coming up, and this make was no where near my sewing list but I had to stop everything to make it!

Look out next week for my Fashion Revolution Posts!



Fashion Revolution Week: Scarf to Shorts Refashion


Denim Kalle Shirt: Extended Cop Top