Visiting FabScrap!

Over the weekend, Drew and I took a little adventure to Brooklyn! Drew actually had the "day off" (well he was able to work from his phone instead of the office) and we wanted to plan a day out. I had been meaning to go to FabScrap since I read about them, and it seemed like the perfect day for a visit!

I've mentioned FabScrap here on the blog before, and I'm excited to share my experience and my fabric haul!

Fab Scrap

If you aren't familiar with FabScrap, let me fill you in. FabScrap is an awesome organization that takes donations from fashion studios all over and sorts through the scraps to sell or recycle! Before FabScrap, these companies didn't know what to do with their extra fabrics, and a lot of scraps ended up in landfills. It's a sad reality that so much waste goes into the earth, but FabScrap is helping to get us one step closer to waste free fashion!

FabScrap has an online store, and they offer scrap packs (I bought a "warm pack" previously) but I wanted to check them out in person - and shop the collection! They are located in the Brooklyn Army Terminal, and after 10 minutes of getting lost and driving through the parking lot back and forth, we found the entrance and followed the directions to their unit.

IMG_7242[2740]Fab ScrapIMG_7236[2737]

First things first, this building is SO COOL. With the old tracks and atrium, it's a beautiful site, and feels like a great place for FabScrap. Drew and I walked in and came face to face with a room of garbage bags. Literally piled to the ceiling, were bags and bags of fabric! There were also a whole bunch of tables set up and some volunteers sorting through fabric. I asked about shopping and was led to a smaller room with rolls and shelves filled with fabric. I was in heaven.

Fab Scrap

I didn't go in with a plan of attack, I was just going to look and hopefully find some pieces to buy - but I wasn't in search of anything in particular.

Fab ScrapFab ScrapIMG_7227[2733]

I found three pieces of home dΓ©cor fabric from Kaufmann Fabrics that HAD to come home with me. These pieces are perfect for new backpacks! I didn't think I would find any home dec fabric - but I was super surprised and happy to get these beauties!


I also spotted this gauze-y roll that I fell in love with and had to take some home. It's a collection of Palm Springs/California landmarks and it's so cute! You can't go wrong with fabric that has cacti AND dinosaurs on it!

Fab ScrapFab ScrapFab Scrap

I'm not sure what to do with this yet, I bought two of the four yards there. I don't think I've ever sewn with gauze, but I'm thinking a fun summer top - what would you make?

If you can go shop in person, they are open Monday-Saturday and the prices are crazy reasonable! Fabric is priced at $5/pound ($3/pound for students), and leather and fur is priced as tagged.Β  My entire haul was $45 for about 9.5 yards of fabric. To buy that in store would be well over that.


If you can't make it to FabScrap, they are more than happy to ship fabric, and I think they will be adding more yardage online! And if you are a fan on leather- they have a TON!

There are so many beautiful fabrics saved by FabScrap, I would have no problem staying and digging all day. But we had more plans for the day that included a trip to Package Free Shop!

This is another place I've been wanting to go to, and it was really cool to see all the products I've been reading about online. I bought a few produce bags (I know, I know, I've been meaning to make them but haven't gotten around to it) and was looking into cutlery sets, but don't need to purchase them just yet.

Drew and I also had dinner at Faun! Drew's cousin is the chef, and I may be biased, but the food is so delicious - I fully admit to cheating on my diet for dinner! If you are ever in the area - or need an excuse to go - definitely eat at Faun!


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