Good Things Take Time, First Pair of Jeans & Giveaway Winner!

I have a magazine clipping hanging in front of my sewing machine and whenever I get frustrated with a project or aggravated with my sewing machine I look up and read, "Good Things Take Time". It's a beautiful ad by Levis  (how appropriate) and a simple reminder to take a step back and remember it'll be worth it.  I read those words more than usual during this project, but I'm happy to announce, I made my first pair of jeans! And man, did these jeans take a lot of time. The pattern (Ginger Jeans from Closet Case Files) was bought back before summer, fabric was purchased months ago, the fabric was even cut out over two months ago! I finally kicked my own butt to start and finish these in a 2 day sewing marathon.

I hit quite a few roadblocks with my jeans, the first being my topstitching thread. I bought topstitching needles but was still have issues getting clean lines. I even started using regular thread in my bobbin, which helped but the more layers I added, the more difficult it was. There are sections of the jeans where my topstitching could definitely use some help but I am pretty happy with the finished product.



The second issue I had was with the back. The jeans fit great until I added the waistband. The last step I did on the first day of sewing was stitching the waistband on and topstitching it down. After that was done, I was so tired I had to quit for the day but I should have tried the jeans on with the waistband before all that work. I had a 2 1/2" gap in the back. This is normal for me with jeans, and I usually conceal the problem with a belt. But I was so determined to not need a belt for these- especially since I'm customizing these to fit properly- so I looked up a tutorial (from The Sewing Rabbit) for how to solve my back problem without taking out all that topstitching. It took some time, and the lines aren't as clean as they were but they fit great in the waist!



There's still something off with the back and I'm not super thrilled with the derriere but I always wear longer tops so I'm not too concerned. I am so happy to have one pair under my belt and can't wait to make more! I want to make a skinny pair, and love the versions with ankle zippers. My eyes will be peeled for denim now!



And now, for the part I'm sure most of you were waiting for, the winner of my giveaway! I so very much appreciate all your comments. I am so grateful for every view on my blog and every purchase in my shop, I love sharing my passion and you guys help make that all possible!

I used to generate the comment winner and at #6, it's... Jordan Slice from ! (Check your email, girl!)


And because I really do love this ad,


 Have a great weekend!


Floral Astoria


Happy 1st Birthday Trish Stitched! Giveaway & Etsy Sale!