Floral Astoria

These weeks have been flying by! I told myself I was dedicating the month of March to a new project for my etsy shop but I still need a little break every once in a while to make something for my wardrobe! I love sweatshirts - the ease of wear, the comfort, everything about a sweatshirt is awesome, except they aren't exactly "professional wear". Luckily I don't have to wear anything very professional to work but still pride myself of looking nice. I didn't think anything of Astoria when I first saw it, probably because it's meant to be a crop sweater. But when I realized the solution of extending the length of the pattern (6" to be exact), I thought it would work well in my closet!

I made my first Astoria a few weeks ago, for my blog's birthday. I loved the length but the arms are so tight on this piece. It is still very wearable but I can't push the sleeves up, which I love doing.


My second versionΒ was made in this awesome gold polka dot knit. I took the extended pattern pieces and added a half inch to each side to give me a little more breathing room. Unfortunately I forgot to add that allowance to the sleeves so the body on version 2 is great, and the sleeves are looser because of the knit but still not perfect.


Then comes version 3. My favorite. The pattern is perfected, a half inch added to all pieces and it's a dream. I had been eyeing the fabric at JoAnn's for a few weeks. There was a yard in the remnant bin that I kept wanting to splurge on but didn't have a project. Last week when buying fabric, I knew this floral would make a beautiful Astoria. My only complaint is that it's becoming too warm to wear on a regular basis! But these will all be great transition pieces into Spring.


Details about this pattern- I made the XS, extending the body pieces by 6", leaving the bottom cuff the same. In the end I added a half inch to each pattern piece seam allowance so in reality I was probably better off cutting a Small. This pattern is such a quick project and very customizable. I would love to make a few more solid versions and maybe some with the cropped sleeves. {Also, this is technically a "sweater" but sweater always reminds me of a button up cardigan or something so I'm referring to this as a sweatshirt.}


And in other news, some VERY exciting news.....my sister is pregnant! I'm going to be an Aunt! So you might be seeing some baby clothes around here soon!!


Attack of the Fringe: Dress Refashion


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