My Best of 2015

It's that time of year again! Time for the year's "wrap-up" post and sharing my favorite projects from 2015.

Instagram says my best posts this year were my Succulent Skirt, Refashioned Nantucket Shorts and Map Dress! Some of the photos were reposted from previous years, like my Refashioned Trench and Rainbow Fish costume.


Personally, there are some other projects from the year that should be on this list of 2015 bests. Here are my favorite makes and events from the past year...

Purple Coat- Trish Stitched

My Caramel Coat was the first project completed in 2015, but I didn't get to wear it much since it's been warmer than normal! The problem with the cold is that when it's cold, it's also raining, and I will not wear this wool coat in the rain. Hopefully it will get more wear in 2016 because I really do love it; I might also make another version for warmer weather because the style is great!

 Skirt of Succulents- Trish Stitched

Skirt of Succulents is (of course) one of my favorite projects from this year. I love the print, the fit and everything else about this skirt!

 Fossil Inspired Duffle- Trish Stitched

Drew's Bag was my best "gift make" and even got some love from Buzzfeed! (I can totally put that fact on my resume, right?)


This top, while simple, is the most often worn piece in my handmade wardrobe; I wear it almost once a week. It is comfortable, cute and gives me just the right amount of warmth since I get chilly easily.

 My First Quilt- A Wedding Gift

I also made my first quilt this year! A new craft that I'm happy I did, but will probably not make another one in 2016.

refashioned nantucket shorts- trish stitched

My refashioned Nantucket shorts were pretty popular, and I have a few more shirts that I can turn into shorts next summer. I would have worn these more if they were smaller in the waist. I will have to cut a few inches off the sides in the next pair I make.

Put a Ruffle on It Swimsuit- Trish Stitched

I made another swimsuit this year! This Watson Bra/Bombshell Hack is my favorite handmade suit. I'll be taking it on vacation next week!

 Oh the Places You'll Go: Map Dress- Trish Stitched

By far, my most popular piece this year was my Map Dress. The print clearly makes this dress awesome, and I am so happy it was made in my trusty Cynthia Rowley pattern.

Big things happened outside of the apparel making world for me too!

our first marathon- trish stitched

My Dad and I completed our first Marathon! Four months of hard training for 26.2 miles of running. It was awesome. And we are planning on doing it again in 2016! I'm actually hoping to run 2 marathons next year and would love to be able to run the New York City Marathon.

My First Craft Show- Trsh Stitched

I did my first AND second Craft Show this year!

Making Buttons- Trish Stitched

I also made buttons! Which I hope to invest more time in soon!

In reality, this year was tough. With the loss of my Grandpa in February, my family has been through a lot and we've gone through some changes. As a family, we are all happy to put the year behind us and have plans we are really looking forward to. Drew and I are starting the New Year with a trip to Florida and the Bahamas- we leave in just a few days!

But by far, the BEST thing that happened to me this year was finding "me". I changed my name to Trish Stitched, created a new blog and etsy shop and really focused on just putting myself out there! The internet can be a scary world, and it's hard for me to share certain things, but so far it's been an exciting adventure.

I don't have resolutions this year but have "goals" instead. While this is basically the same thing, my goals are being placed throughout the year, so there isn't a rush to start something on January 1st. I actually started some of these goals a few months ago- plans have been laid out, fabrics have been's an exciting time.

Have a safe and happy New Year!


Drew's Christmas Cardigan


Pneuma Tank, Running Top with Added Bra Cup Pockets!